23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.09.24
By OfficeManager In Newsletter Blog On September 6, 2024
- all the sick, and all the housebound of the parish
- those who have ongoing need of our prayerful support
- all who have died recently, including all whose anniversaries fall at this time
- the comforting of all who mourn
The Parish office will be closed for the w/b 9th September.
This weekend Dennis will make a short presentation regarding running a short course for those who enjoy singing but cannot “read” music to come along to the Cranleigh parish hall Wednesday 11th and 18th September 7.30pm to learn how to read music.
Diaconal Formation As some of you may be aware, Patrick Bergin is currently undergoing formation to serve as a Permanent Deacon in our Diocese and will be saying a few words at the end of Mass on Sunday 15th about how he is getting on and what he may be doing over the next few months and years in connection with his programme. Please keep Patrick and his family in your prayers.
Today (8 Sept) is EDUCATION SUNDAY.
Thursday 12 September – the over 50’s coffee morning welcomes all from 10.30am in the Cranleigh Parish Meeting Room. Then 10/9, 14/11, 12/12.
Sunday 15 September is Evangelii Gaudium Day and there will be a retiring collection after all Masses for Home Missions.
Friday 20 September
- Taize prayer for peace in the world will take place in Bramley at 7pm.
- The Men’s film and curry night will take place in the Cranleigh Parish Hall, bring your own drinks. Other food options are available by request RSVP to dominicwoodley@hotmail.com 07502 371335 or graemebrand@hotmail.co.uk 07971 110046. Proceeds will be for the Parish Talent Scheme.
Sunday 22 September
- is Harvest Sunday.
- St Thomas More Church in Bramley will be hosting a charity fundraiser at 3pm Sing-along with songs from the shows and elsewhere. Led by the Wintershall Singers, song sheets provided, no singing experience required. Tea, cake and refreshments. RSVP stuartwhite2023@gmail.com
Sunday 29 September – this weekend we welcome, Gillie Nicholls, founder of the Godalming-based charity Les Amis – Burkina Faso. There will be a retiring collection after all Masses. Registered Charity Number: 1120772, website: www.les-amis-bf.org.uk – this charity is already familiar to, and supported by, many in the parish.
Friday 5 October CAFOD’s Family Fast Day appeal
Saturday 26 October at 12 noon. Altar Servers’ Mass at Arundel Cathedral, Fr Aaron Spinelli, Diocesan Director for the Guild of St Stephen, invites all diocesan altar servers to a special Mass at Arundel Cathedral led by Bishop Richard. The occasion will offer an opportunity to celebrate and thank servers for their service to our parish communities. Refreshments will be available but please bring a packed lunch. Contact Fr Aaron to confirm attendance and numbers; E: aaron.spinelli@abdiocese.org.uk
St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Primary School. At the end of the academic year in July, the school said farewell and thank you to Mr Thomas Hall. We wish him every blessing in his new appointment and role as Head of School at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Redhill. As the new school year begins, we welcome Mrs Amy O’Donovan as the new Head of School at St Cuthbert Mayne and assure her of the prayers and support of the parish family. Bishop Richard will celebrate the Mass of Induction for Mrs O’Donovan at the 11 am Mass in Cranleigh on Sunday 26 January 2025. Let us continue to pray for our parish school community, especially all those children joining Reception and their parents, and any other pupils or staff new to our school this term. St Cuthbert Mayne – pray for us!
POSSIBLE SCHOOL FUNDRAISER ?? As the new academic year begins, have you thought what you might be doing for the October half-term yet? I know that many of you in the parish are great walkers having tackled one or other of the pilgrim routes to Santiago and elsewhere. There are plenty of pilgrim routes in this country too, and Pilgrim Ways has a website detailing ancient and more modern pilgrim routes for each diocese in the country (see www.pilgrimways.org.uk).
One of the walks recently added to the website is the new St Cuthbert Mayne Way listed under the Diocese of Plymouth, running from the Cathedral of Ss. Mary and Boniface in Plymouth to the shrine of St Cuthbert Mayne in Launceston. The route is only some 35 miles long. A sponsored pilgrim walk along the St Cuthbert Mayne pilgrim route could be a great way to raise funds for the school and could involve representatives of parishioners, staff, governors and parents. Just a thought!
Triune God, Creator of all,
We praise you for your goodness, visible in all the diversity that you have created, making us a cosmic family living in a common home. Through the Earth you created, we experience love and nourishment, home and protection.
We confess that we do not relate to the Earth as a Mothering gift from you, our Creator. Our selfishness, greed, neglect, and abuse have caused the climate crisis, loss of biodiversity, human suffering as well as the suffering of all our fellow creatures. We confess that we have failed to listen to the groans of the Earth, the groans of all creatures, and the groans of the Spirit of hope and justice that lives within us.
May your Creator Spirit help us in our weakness, so that we may know the redeeming power of Christ and the hope found in him. May the groans of the Spirit birth in us a willingness to serve you faithfully, so that we may
hear and heal Creation, to hope and act together with her, so that the firstfruits of hope may blossom.
Loving and Creator God, we pray that you will make us sensitive to these groans and enable us to have the same compassion as that of Jesus, the redeeming Lord. Grant us a fresh vision of our relationship with Earth, and with one another, as creatures that are made in your image.
In the name of the one who came to proclaim the good news to all Creation, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Missio Red Boxes. I and the team of parish promoters would like to collect the monies from the Red Boxes during September/October. Most box holders should be contacted by their promoter directly over the next 4 weeks and arrange either to collect your box from you or meet you at Church. Please ensure your name is on the bottom of your box for identification.
I know that cash is not being greatly used these days but it would be really good if I could bank some money (coins and/or notes or cheques made payable to “APF / Missio” !) for the wonderful work that Missio carries out around the world bringing the Word of God to many very poor regions as well as education, medical needs and community support in very challenging circumstances.
Thank you very much for your support over the years .
If you do not have a Red Box already and would like to support the missionary work in very poor countries please contact me and I will get a box to you.
There are some magazines in the porch at each Church if you would like to read more about Missio.
I would also like to ask if there is anyone from the Bramley and Cranleigh Churches who would be willing to become the Missio local secretary representative. It is not an onerous task but I feel that after 9 years it is time for me to hand over to someone (or two) new. Fran Pickett. Local Secretary Tel. 01483 76614. Email nickpickett1948@gmail.com”
Monday evenings 7.30pm Cranleigh church. Those who are generously giving of their time to select hymns and music for the liturgy, invite anyone interested in singing through the hymn selection for the coming Saturday in advance, and perhaps to learn some new repertoire as well, to join them on Monday evenings at 7.30 pm in Cranleigh church.
Home-Start in Waverley are currently looking for a Coordinator to support the Cranleigh area. The role is home-based, 27 hours a week, flexible.
This position will involve assessing and supporting families with young children in their homes, as well as recruiting, supporting and supervising Volunteers. The ideal candidate will have knowledge of the local area, be flexible, approachable, good at listening and able to confidently identify and prioritise areas of need/support. Safeguarding and promoting Children’s Welfare is a fundamental aspect of this role.