Catholic Parish of Cranleigh and Bramley

Safeguarding – We are committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People, Victims of Domestic Abuse and Vulnerable Adults.
Details of our safeguarding policy can be found here.

Parish Calendar (Agenda Style)

Confessions – Saturday 5.15-5.45pm or by appointment


St Thomas More Catholic Church is a lively and welcoming church in the heart of the charming village of Bramley, near Guildford.

Our Sunday Mass (9am) is usually sung supported by a choir and organist.  We have a Children’s Liturgy during term-time which caters for children up to First Holy Communion age.   Our small church can become quite full and arriving early is advised in order to get a good seat!

Socialising and fellowship after mass are important parts of our life at Bramley.  We always have coffee and tea available after mass on Sundays and sometimes during the week as well.

  • Sunday Mass at 9am
  • Weekday Mass Tuesdays and Fridays at 10am.

Parking – There is a car park behind the church for users of the hall and church.  There is also parking in the adjacent public car park outside the library.

Transport to Mass for the elderly or disabled – There is a group of volunteers who are willing to drive parishioners to and from mass if they have difficulty coming on their own.  For more information please contact the Parish office.

Church Address – High Street, Bramley, Surrey, GU5 0HG.  For a map, click here.

Any queries – Contact the Parish Office and Presbytery for more information by email or call 01483 272075.


Jesus Christ the Redeemer of Mankind Cranleigh Catholic Church is a large and welcoming church at the heart of the Catholic community in Cranleigh.  It is situated on the Ewhurst Road next to St Cuthbert Mayne School and enjoys a wonderful relationship with the school, regular celebrating school Masses and enjoying joint activities.

The atmosphere at Mass is relaxed and informal but reverential and with a warm welcome to all comers.  Saturday’s Vigil Mass is a reflective, quiet celebration whilst Sunday morning’s 11am Mass welcomes many families with young children and includes Children’s Liturgy during term time.

  • Vigil Mass at 6pm (5pm in ‘non-summer time’)
  • Sunday Mass at 11am
  • Weekday Masses at 10am on Monday and 7pm on Thursdays
  • Join us in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Thursdays at 7.30pm after Mass

Parking – There is a car park next to the Church for users of the Church but priority is given to the disabled and the elderly and infirm – please be generous to their needs and allow yourself good time to park and walk a short distance if necessary.  Please respect our neighbours and do not park on the double yellow lines along St Nicolas Avenue.

Transport to Mass for the elderly or disabled – There is a group of volunteers who are willing to drive parishioners to and from mass if they have difficulty coming on their own.  For more information please contact the Parish office.

Church Address – St Nicolas Avenue, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7AQ.  For a map, click here.

Any queries – Contact the Parish Office and Presbytery for more information by email or call 01483 272075.

History of Jesus Christ Redeemer of Mankind – To learn more about the Church in Cranleigh please see this publication, produced by David Barry. HISTORY of the Catholic Church in Cranleigh