Last Sunday I spoke about the value in reading something for Lent – in giving time for God and in widening our horizons.  Some asked me to put up the books I mentioned and so here they are…



Dethroning Mammon – Making money serve grace

Justin Welby Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book 2017


Bloomsbury £9.99








The Hearts Time – A Poem a day for Lent and Easter

Janet Morley



”Morley has a wonderful turn of phrase herself and her commentaries are beautiful, insightful, and encouraging of a prayerful and personal response. I think this deserves to become a classic and will repay many readings.” –Methodist Recorder




The Things he Carried – A Journey to the Cross: Meditations for Lent and Holy Week.

Stephen Cottrell

SPCK  £6.99










The Little Book of Lent – Daily Wisdom from the World’s Greatest Spiritual Teachers

Complied by Canon Arthur Wells

William Collins £4.99








The Mystery of the Cross By  Basil Hume

Darton,Longman & Todd Ltd   £16.93

A profound collection of meditations and reflections on the cross. They speak of the mystery of suffering and the mystery of God’s love shown particularly in the death and resurrection of Christ. Drawing on the liturgy of the Church, especially the Easter liturgy, Cardinal Hume reminds us that Christ shared our pain and that ‘our suffering brings us closer to Christ and closer to God.’