Sunday 6 March – 1st Sunday of Lent
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  • Sunday 6 march – 1st sunday of lent

There will be a cash retiring collection at Masses this weekend for the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal


… all the sick and/or housebound of the Parish

… all who have died recently, and all whose anniversaries occur about this time:

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Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The conflict in Ukraine is bringing immense suffering to so many thousands of people and a deep crisis to the world. Our hearts go out to all those who are affected and especially to those who are living with the tragic loss of a loved one.

This conflict demands our action, in a number of ways.  As followers of Christ, our first response must always be one of prayer – out of which all else flows.  Our prayers are so very necessary:  for those caught up in the conflict, for those who have died, families mourning the loss of family members and for those now facing lives scarred by the physical and mental impact of warfare. We must pray also for a fruitful outcome to the diplomatic efforts and negotiations taking place to bring about an end to the conflict.

I shall be leading the Rosary in the Cathedral on Ash Wednesday at 6.00pm, prior to the Evening Mass and on Saturday, after the 6.00pm Mass I shall preside at Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – both times of prayer focussing on prayer for peace in Ukraine.   I encourage you to join in these times of prayer, both of which will be livestreamed.

I ask that parishes hold Holy Hours this coming Sunday and, if possible, on each Sunday in Lent, praying for peace in the world, especially in Ukraine.  Please pray for the mission of the Ukrainian Church in this country in all the care and support it gives to the Ukrainian community.

In addition to such times of prayer in our parishes and homes, I ask you to reach out very specially to Ukrainian families in our parish communities, schools and in your locality, all of whom will be especially anxious in these difficult times.  There has been much talk nationally about the need to welcome refugees fleeing the war. We have our refugee project already in place and I do urge you to be ready to offer a welcome to those who may arrive in our area in the time ahead.

Let us be committed and resolute in our support and care for our sisters and brothers in these dark days as we respond to the call to be instruments of the peace that is the gift of the Risen Lord.   With every Blessing.  28th February 2022 + Richard

Screenshot 2022-03-04 at 12.48.29.pngUK Disasters Emergency Committee has launched an humanitarian appeal to help hundreds of thousands of people fleeing conflict


 in the country.  Life for the people of Ukraine has changed completely with homes, schools, and hospitals destroyed.  Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe. The United Nations estimate that more than a million people have fled their homes so far – leaving behind jobs, belongings and loved ones. They desperately need shelter, food, and water.

You can donate to the DEC’s Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal here by clicking on the flag or

From Father Alistair. –  After an initial suggestion and then the subsequent hard work by a parishioner and friend, I don’t know how many of you have noticed the completed transformation of the flowerbed outside the window of the Parish Office by the school gate?  It is such a great improvement and makes the previously rather forlorn and neglected area into a space that is now weed-free, and looks welcoming, open and cared for.

Screenshot 2022-03-04 at 12.50.53.pngI was initially amused to see one of the infants who arrived with mum to collect an older brother or sister from school, eagerly toddling across to the garden and grabbing a little fistful of the small white stones.  My amusement turned to a sense of foreboding, anxiously hoping that the small white stones would not be transferred from fist to mouth; despite her conversation with another mother, mum was ever attentive and went over and gently emptied the stones from fist back on to the garden.

Looking at the bed each time I cross from house to church and back, I’m reminded of Lent.

  • The stone-covered ground makes me think of Jesus’ desert experience: we are invited to spend some time during Lent, sharing that same desert experience in a spiritual way.
  • Underneath the top layer of stones is a covering on the soil to discourage the future growth of weeds: Lent is a time for tackling the weeds in our own spiritual lives, to root out selfishness, bad habits and everything else that keeps us from coming closer to God and to one another.
  • The individual rocks placed as focal points and features to break up the space recall the temptation to turn stone into bread ((Luke 4:1-13 – First Sunday of Lent, Yr. C).  During Lent, with God’s grace, we renew and strengthen our own efforts in seeking to resist temptation in all its forms.
  • The specimen plants are displayed and stand out against the background of loose stones.  I’m reminded of those words of the prophet, which although we use them in the liturgy during Advent are nonetheless words that express our hope for an Easter season of fruitfulness after the pruning period of Lent: Let the wilderness and the dry-lands exult, let the wasteland rejoice and bloom, let it bring forth flowers like the jonquil, let it rejoice and sing for joy. (Isaiah 35:1)
  • To see a plant or shrub standing out like that, all the details become more sharply focussed, nothing remains obscured or overlooked.  So, too, in Lent, perhaps we may try to examine more honestly just one thing in our lives which is restricting our personal growth to achieve the full freedom enjoyed by God’s children.
  • Perhaps if I’m being a little fanciful, one of the larger stones may make me think forward to Easter Day and the stone rolled away from the tomb in which the body of Jesus had been laid (Luke 24:2).
  • And white stones are always a sign of hope and promise: to those who prove victorious I will give … a white stone – a stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it. (Revelation 2:17)

So thanks to DB and IC not only for the gift and blessing of horticultural aesthetics but also for a jumping off point for spiritual reflection! May you each find your own reminders of Lent in the everyday things of life around you and may those reminders provide spiritually fertile reflections to guide and inspire you.

Diary-dates.jpgApologies – Photocopier is still out of action so no hard copies of the newsletter.

download-1.png9th March – After the parish synod meetings What? If you are interested about the feedback that has gone to Bishop Richard from all those who have responded from the diocese, he will be holding a webinar on 9th March at 7.30 pm. To register to attend this meeting please visit https:/

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Friday 17th March – Please join us, with your pre-school children, for coffee, cake, chaos and companionship in the Cranleigh Parish Hall.  Available to all who have had a child baptised in the last few years? Would you be interested in talking with other parents about helping your child learn about the love Jesus has for them?  Dates are 17th March 25th March 1st April 8th April between  9.15- 11.00am.  Please do express your interest to the parish office to enable us to plan for numbers.

maxresdefault.jpg11th March CAFOD Family Fast Day – Lent Appeal

Every child should grow big and strong.  This is a day when we eat simply and give generously to support mums around the world, like Amie in Sierra Leone, with expert training in growing and making healthy food.  Your small act of love this Lent will make a big different to many communities affected by extreme hunger and children suffering from malnutrition.  You can donate in church using CAFOD envelope or by visiting the CAFOD website

CAFOD’s Walk Against Hunger Lent Challenge

There are 200 million children in the world whose lives are at risk from malnutrition.  So, this Lent, challenge yourself to walk 200km, and give hunger its marching orders.  Do 5k a day, your way for 40 days and you’ll conquer your 200k target in time for Easter – and help people around the world to live free from hunger.  To take part, go to

Screenshot 2022-03-04 at 12.53.57.pngMonday 14th March 2022 – Southern Dioceses Environment Network, “Nourishment for Lent”, including a time of reflection and small group discussion 12.45–2pm (on Zoom).  This developing network for all Catholics and our friends who care about creation meets monthly online.  Every meeting includes a section on sharing of resources, events and actions for the environment. Register with Eventbrite:
Participants include CAFOD and Diocesan staff and volunteers, Laudato Si’ Animators, clergy, religious and activists. Westminster Justice & Peace is the host organisation.  All are welcome.

Saturday 19th/Sunday 20th March – to mark Corrymeela Sunday on 20th March we will be welcoming to the parish Martin Stears-Handscomb who will speak about the important work of the Corrymeela Community in the fields of reconciliation, peace-building and community-building.  There will be a retiring collection to support the work of Corrymeela.  Please make Martin welcome.

images-4.jpgMonday 21st March – Requiem Mass (Stuart Gordon, RIP) at St Thomas More, Bramley, 1.30 pm.  Of your charity, please continue to pray for the repose of Stuart’s soul and for the comforting of his wife Anne, daughter Alison and family.


sacraments-initiation.pngRegistration to apply for Sacramental Preparation is now open on the website. Baptism courses to be held in June/July and again in November.   First Holy Communion is for Y3’s in 9/22 and Confirmation is for Y10’s in 9/22.  Please register your interest.

Wednesday 25th May, 7.30 pm at Guildford Baptist Church, GU2 4AZ, “Care for the Family” Spring Tour presents A Mind of Their Own; Building our Children’s Emotional Wellbeing, featuring content from mental health professionals, Dr Rob Waller and Dr Kate Middleton.  Ticket price £7 (concessions £5).  To book go to 029 2081 0800

Saturday 23rd/Sunday 24th July – we will welcome Sr Ann Ugoh DDL to the parish for the annual diocesan Mission Appeal on behalf of the Missionary Sisters of England and Wales and a retiring collection will be taken up.  Please make Sr Ann welcome; she is a member of the Congregation of the Daughters of Divine Love, an international congregation of religious women founded in Nigeria in 1969 during the Nigeria-Biafra war; their charism combines contemplation with apostolic action and their motto is Caritas Christi Urget Nos (“The Love of Christ urges us on”).  For further information about the Congregation go to or

Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th July – “Hope! A verb with its sleeves rolled up” the 44th Annual Conference of the National Justice & Peace Network at The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire. See for more information.

October 9th to October 23rd – A booking system will be launched for visits with Fr Alistair to review signing of Supplementary Information Forms.


Mass Intentions – if you would like a Mass offered for an intention, complete one of the brown envelopes and return it to The Presbytery. It is usual to offer a donation as a Mass stipend. This is at your discretion and there is no fixed amount although a minimum of £10 is suggested if you can afford it. Cash for Mass stipend can be put in the Mass Intention envelopes.

Annual Reflection Day for Marriage PreparationSaturday 2 April at St Francis School Crawley, 10.30am – 4pm. Bishop Richard would be delighted if both lay and clergy involved in marriage preparation could attend our Annual Reflection Day for Marriage Preparation in order to focus on a consistent diocesan approach to preparing engaged couples for this important vocational journey. There will be input from the Tribunal Office and from the diocesan provider of Natural Family Planning (NFP), as well as deanery reflection on best practice. Refreshments will be provided but please bring your own lunch. Please book your place by going to our website W:, or by contacting E:

Worth Abbey Retreat Centre, Finding Stillness: 14 -17 March, Cost: £330 pp (3 nights). Come away to a quiet place to find stillness and God’s presence.  Discover in the Benedictine tradition how stillness and stability can offer ways of opening up to God and living life at a deeper level.  E:   T: 01342 710318

Worth Abbey Retreat Centre, Lent Reflection: 29 – 31 March, Cost: £220 per person. Take time out during Lent to review your life and ask where God is calling you to change; to simplify things.  Exploring the desert father tradition and the writings of John Cassian to examine thoughts and feelings and to see how it talks to us in the 21st century.  Led by Fr Peter Williams OSB, a member of the community at Worth. Book your place W: or E: T: 01342 710318

Worth Abbey Retreat CentreTime Out: individual self-led retreats 6 – 8 May, 17 – 19 June and 18 – 22 July, Cost:  £90 pp, per nightA chance for some time away to process, to reflect and to pray.  There is no set programme other than group Lectio Divina at 9.30am, the usual monastic timetable of divine office and liturgy and the opportunity to meet with one of the community for reconciliation or a chat. These dates are set aside from the normal retreat programme to offer a bit of sanctuary for your own private retreat, with plenty of time to visit the Abbey Church for private prayer and reflection or explore the beautiful Worth Abbey estate. Book your place W: or E: T: 01342 710318


St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Primary School

Learning Support Assistant

Start Date – As soon as possible

Fixed Term Position (Until 31 August 2022) Potential to become a permanent position

Monday – Friday 8.40am – 3.15pm 38.6 weeks per annum Actual salary £12897 (XCET 3 £18013 Full time equivalent)

Afterschool Club Play Worker and Learning Support Assistant Starting March 2022
Permanent Position Term Time Only

Afterschool Club Play Worker Monday – Friday 3.00pm – 6.30pm 38 weeks per annum Actual salary £7,273 (XCET 3 £18,013 Full time equivalent)

Learning Support Assistant Monday – Friday 12.30pm – 3.00pm 38.6 weeks per annum Actual salary £5,277 (XCET 3 £18,013 Full time equivalent)

CONTACT: St Nicolas Avenue Cranleigh Surrey GU6 7AQ
Tel: 01483 27496.  Email: